Yoga Inspiration Spread dedicated to the New Year 2022 – Air Signs

I had the idea for a yoga inspiration spread with a focus on the new year and doing it seperate for the elements.

Each spread will include:

  • Mantra
  • Chakra
  • Gods & Goddess
  • Spirit Animal
  • Healing Stone
  • Inspirational Quote
  • Manifestation Inspiration
  • Asana

Today we continue with the air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra). So this one could be for you if your sun, rising sign or moon is in the air elements or if your birth horoscope has many planets in a air sign.

Air signs – 2022

Mantra: In any given moment, I always know exactly what to do.

Chakra: Throat Chakra

Gods & Goddess: Agni, Respect, I give to the world the fire in my heart.

Spirit Animal: Armadillo Spirit, Set healthy boundaries.

Healing Stone: Fluorite, Learning.

Inspirational Quote:

Whenever and wherever the restless and unsteady mind wanders, one should bring it back and continually focus it on God.

Bhagavad Gita, 6.26

Manifestation Inspiration: True manifestating is about receiving what is the highest good for all.

Asana: Downward Dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana.


Yoga Inspiration Spread

Our Yoga Inspiration Spread today is about setting new priorities and leaving old stagnant energies behind. Changes are coming and adjustments for this are now the next step. Self-confident, you can trust your inner strength and listen to your inner voice. It is also time for gratitude, generosity and kindness with others.


The recent past was focused on preparing for these new energies and life stage. For this it required a retreat and regeneration to gain strength.

Recent Past

In the future, it will be about uncovering something, finding out the real reason. This is in connection with a person who is connected to you and a fateful task is connected with it.


It is still unconscious that deep inside one already has access to this knowledge. In the regeneration and retreat phase, one has gradually created the basis for this.


It is aware that soon something wonderful can arise. The key to true inner peace and fulfillment will manifest.


For our Yoga Session I chose today following asanas:

Yoga Session
  • Cat Pose
  • Extended Triangle Pose
  • Half Lord of the fishes pose
  • Heart Chakra Pose
  • Reclined Bound Angle Pose
  • Corpse Pose

The Full Sequence you can find here:


Decks used:

  • Spirit Animal Oracle
  • Wisdom of the Oracle
  • Solar Oracle Deck
  • Yoga Sequencing Deck

Yoga Inspiration Spread dedicated to the New Moon in Aries

This weekend we will have a New Moon in the zodiac sign of Aries.

The new moon stands for new beginnings and refilling of energy for new projects. Aries is the first sign of the twelve zodiac signs and stands also for new beginnings. Aries is a fire sign and full of energy and enthusiasm. This new moon invites us to manifest our creative ideas and projects and to start a new phase full with passion and living our spirit.

Manifesting is the creative process of aligning with the energy of the universe to co-Create an Experience that elevates my spirit and the spirit of the world.

Recent past

In the recent past, you should realize that you are on the right path and that you are worthy of good things happening to you. You can fully trust your inner voice.


In the future, it will be about surrounding yourself with positivity. You may have to separate yourself from people, tasks, projects, jobs etc. who/which are very negative and drag you down. Something big is waiting for you, open yourself for it and receive it with full self-confidence. Have confidence, soon everything will change for the better.


You are not yet aware that happiness and exciting challenges will soon come your way. This can then feel like a miracle or magic for you.


You are already aware that a new dimension has opened up, you already feel this and are ready to enter it. A great change in your life is coming which means great happiness for you. Yes, you deserve it.

Yoga Session


As Asanas for a short Yoga Session for all our Chakras I chose today:

AsanaSanskrit NameTypeChakra
Reclined Bound Angle PoseSupta Baddha KonasanaHip OpenerRoot Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Eagle PoseGarudasanaStanding, Twist, BalanceRoot Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Heart Chakra PoseAnahatasanaBack BendRoot Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Half Lord of the Fishes PoseArdha MatsyendrasanaSeated TwistRoot Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solarplexus Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
Plow PoseHalasanaInversionSolarplexus Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
Corpse PoseSavasanaRestorativeCrown Chakra

Here on my profile on tummee you can find a whole sequence:


Decks used:

  • Moonology Oracle Cards
  • Yoga Sequencing Deck
  • Magical Mermaids and Dolphins
  • Super Attractor Deck
  • Soul Vision Oracle Cards

Yoga Inspiration Spread dedicated to the New Moon in Pisces

Today we have a New Moon in the sign of Pisces.

The new moon stands for new beginnings and refilling of energy for new projects. This new moon in pisces is romantic and sentimental. We feel more emotional and vulnerable to those around us. But the New Moon in Pisces is also good for our own inner healing. The imaginative and creative Pisces provides us with inspiration and ideas for new goals. The Pisces New Moon can also help us realize what we really want deep inside, and support achieving that goal.

Recent past

The recent past was about becoming aware of one’s own power and realizing that one’s own thoughts have a great influence on whether we achieve goals or not.


The future is about seeing light in the darkest corners and trusting the magical energy around you. In this way power can be regained to manifest one’s desires.


For unconsciousness I find it beautiful how both cards look similar and both have the same message. It’s about being patient and then receiving the gift you called for. Embrace it.


It’s already conscious that one wants to try new things step by step, be curious and showing the creative side. Fun, enjoyment and playful moments are awaiting us.

Yoga Session:

For our Yoga Session I used my new Yoga Sequencing Cards.

Yoga Session


  • Cat / Cow Flow
  • Seated Gentle Twist
  • Sun Salutations B
  • Chair Pose
  • Twisted Chair Pose
  • Mountain Pose
  • Butterfly
  • Tree Pose
  • Standing Forward Fold
  • Dolphin
  • Shoulder Warm up
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Supine Twist
  • Savasana
  • Fetal Pose

Enjoy 🙂

Decks used:

  • Magical Mermaids and Dolphins
  • Super Attractor Deck
  • PlayPauseBe Yoga Deck
  • Moonology Oracle Cards

Yoga Inspiration Spread dedicated to the Full Moon in Aries

The topic of our Yoga Inspiration Spread today is the confidence that something new is about to begin and to open up to this new beginning.

In the recent past, a decision was made, but patience was required until this decision affected life and the new one could manifest itself.

Early past

In the future we will continue to follow this path and come into balance and inner harmony with ourselves and this decision we made.


It is unconscious to us, that soon the truth will come to light and from it something new will blossom into our lives.


It is conscious to us, that justice was done and that our decision we made will lead us to bliss and joy.


As essentials asanas for a yoga session I chose today:

Essential Asanas
  • Cat / Cow flow
  • Cobra Pose
  • Half Moon Pose
  • West Streching Pose
  • Supported Shoulder Stand
  • Corpse Pose

Integrate these asanas into your yoga practice and perform them very consciously. Stay in these position for several breaths.


Decks used:

  • Osho Zen Tarot
  • Ask your Guides Oracle Cards
  • Soul Vision Oracle
  • Yoga Sequencing Deck
  • Moonology Oracle Cards

Yin & Yang Inspiration Spread with short meditation

The topic of our Yin & Yang Inspiration Spread today is to have faith in one’s dreams and true inner calling.

  • Have faith in your dreams
  • Select to choose (Wähle zu wählen)
  • These are the blessings that are touching me today

On the Yin side it is about having confidence in the dreams someone wants to pursue and to finally decide to go further on this path. It is also about allowing happiness and not to block oneself any longer with being satisfied with less.

Yang Side
  • It’s time to take action
  • I follow the path of calling with love (Ich folge mit Liebe meiner Berufung)
  • This is how I share the blessing of trust with those I need the most

On the Yang side it is about following one’s true calling and becoming active in this direction. It is about trusting that it is the right way and that there will be people on the way who are on one’s side.


Today we will do a short meditation and Mudra for our Heart Chakra.

Sit down in a comfortable pose on a cushion, chair or blanket.

For example a tailor’s seat. When sitting on the chair, please bring both feet on the floor and do not cross your legs.
Close your eyes. Feel your feet on the floor.
Feel your bottom on the pillow, chair or blanket.
Feel your lower back, your middle and upper back.
Your shoulders. Your neck.
Your head.
Your chest, your stomach.

Breathe in and out deeply.
Now bring your hands to the height of your chest. The palms face the body.

Interlace your fingers from the right and left hand with the pinky fingers on the bottom. Extend your thumbs and index fingers upward.

Focus on your breath.

Think about this sentence: Unshakable confidence guides my journey forward.

Breathe in and out deeply.

When you are ready you can open your eyes.


Decks used:

  • Mudras for Awakening the Energy body
  • Das Orakel der indischen Götter
  • Moonology Oracle Cards
  • Practice you daily awakening deck

Yoga Inspiration Spread dedicated to the Full Moon in Pisces

The topic of our Yoga Inspiration Spread today is balancing our spiritual and practical side and to acknowledge the gifts life offers to us.

In the early past you showed a passionate and joyful manner to others, you were thankful for having them in your life and respected their individual sides and gifts. You also learned that slowing down a little can help you to get some orientation and energy for future projects.

Early past

In the future you will continue your transformational process. Keep in mind that if you take a stand for your own values you do not take sides. Compromises are okay, but ask yourself if they go according with your own values and if not stand up and protect them.


It’s unconscious to you that being alone doesn’t mean being lonely. Sometimes we have to go a way on our own. Keep in mind that there is always a solution and an answer in your inner truth and knowledge. Letting go of control and letting situations flow can help in this process.


It’s conscious to you that it is time to show your real self and deep emotions and to stop playing a role. Have the courage to live your dreams and ideas and manifest them in your life.


As Asanas I chose today:

  • Cat / Cow flow
  • Heart Chakra Pose
  • Warrior III
  • Plow Pose
  • Lotus Pose
  • Savasana

Decks used:

  • The Healing Mantra Deck
  • Practice you daily awakening deck
  • Moonology Oracle Cards
  • Osho Zen Tarot
  • Yoga Sequencing Deck

Yoga Inspiration Spread

The topic of our Yoga Inspiration Spread today is the energy that arises when something unexpected happens.

In the recent past you have given up something you had held on to for a long time and started to wish for a new start. The first steps of this new beginning have already manifested themselves.


The future is about being patient with this new start and sticking to ones standards and requirements. Even if it takes longer, you should not be satisfied with anything less.


It is still unconscious that meditation, balance, calming down and caring for the self, the mind and the body will lead to the fact that one will not only connect with oneself but with the whole and experience unity.


It is aware that it is time to take care of yourself and cultivate self-love. It is trusted that everything will turn out as it should.


Yoga Session

As Asanas I chose today

  • Cat / Cow flow
  • Upward Facing Dog
  • Intense Side Strech Pose
  • Supported Headstand
  • Fire Log Pose
  • Corpse Pose


Decks used:

  • Magical Mermaids and Dolphins
  • Soul Vision Oracle Cards
  • The Healing Mantra Deck
  • Yoga Sequencing Deck

Yin & Yang Inspiration Spread

Today as Chakras we got for the Yin & Yang Inspiration Sacral and Throat Chakra.


On the Yang Side it’s about having compassion for yourself. It seems that taking of a mask and shame for something is a topic that leads to a certain confusion and loneliness. It’s time for self love and to forgive for something from the past. Perhaps you feel nervous, spending time in nature and meditation could be helpful.


On Yin Side it’s about becoming aware of a topic that was in your unconsciousness until now. Facing these issues will lead to healing. Connect with a community of like minded people, you can be part of something bigger and a soul family. This will also bring joy to you.

Yoga Session

Today I chose these Mudras:

  • Trimurta Mudra: Form a triangle by placing the tips of your index fingers and the tips of your thumbs together, with the palms of your hands showing downwards.
  • Kali Mudra: This Mudra is dedicated to the Goddess Kali and helps you to release obstacles and to live your true nature. The goddess Kali removes the ego and liberates the soul from the cycle of birth and death. Interlace your fingers and place your hands in front of your heart in a comfortable seating position. The right thumb is over the left thumb. Extend the index finger upward the Throat center.

Today I chose following asanas:

  • Reclined Bound Angle Pose: This restorative asana is activating your Sacral and Rootchakra.
  • Bridge Pose: This backbend is stimulating your Crown, Third Eye, Throat and Solarplexuschakra.
  • Intense Side Strech Pose: This forward bend is stimulating five out of 7 chakras: Crown, Throat, Solarplexus, Sacral and Root Chakra. Do this forward bend to the left and the right leg.
  • Upward Facing Dog Pose: This asana is balancing your Sacral, Solarplexus, Heart and Throat Chakra.
  • Supported Shoulder Stand: This inversion is activating your Crown, Third Eye, Throat and Solarplexuschakra.
  • Corpse Pose: End this Yoga Session with Shavasana.

Decks used:

  • Mudras for Awakening the Energy body by Alison DeNicola
  • Yoga Sequencing Deck by Mark Stephens
  • Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno
  • Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle Cards by LON
  • Ask your Guides by Sonia Choquette
  • The Secret Language of Color by Inna Segal
  • Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid